World Trade Escrow has partnered with to offer digital payment services to its clients.
As a licensed third-party financial organisation, guarantees that clients of World Trade Escrow will have their transactions processed quickly, safely, and securely.

$6,400,000,000+ 以美元支付
2,400,000+ 客户信赖 Escrow
- BBB 火炬奖 BBB Torch Awards 2017年道德奖优胜者
- BBB Accredited
- 美国贸易
About World Trade Escrow
Established in 1994, World Trade Escrow is one of the longest standing European Escrow agency providing independent assurance and verification for a wide range of business issues from verification to safeguarded business continuity assurance and guard critical technology for organisations.
How World Trade Escrow works with
World Trade Escrow clients can now use payment services for any related transaction, providing more security and assurances for high value bespoke transactions across a range of high-value asset-classes.
About is the leading provider of secure online payments and online transaction management for consumers and businesses on the Internet. Founded by Fidelity in 1999, reduces the risk of fraud by acting as a trusted third party that collects, holds and disburses funds according to buyer.
Online escrow is a five-step process. It protects the Seller by verifying funds and protects the Buyer by allowing inspection of the merchandise before funds are disbursed. For an overview, visit our five-step tutorial.
Transacting an 在线店铺 through usually takes between five and twenty days. This allows time for the 在线店铺 to be transferred and the buyer to make sure all assets are as described. The length of the transaction depends upon:
- 1. 檢驗期時長需要由買賣雙方共同決定。
- 2. 买方选择支付方式。
- 3. 商品從預期到預定的運輸時間。
- 4. 卖方选择提款方式。
Your funds remain in our secured escrow non-interest bearing trust account until the transaction concludes. See payment options.