You can know exactly where your money is during your transaction of buying or selling a Davidoff watch. You can relax and feel at ease that your money will reach the right destination. You can choose the best arrangement to ensure your money is sent to the right owner. All you need to do is turn to for your next transaction when buying or selling a Davidoff watch. What exactly is This service is a financial arrangement with a third party regulating online payments for the two parties involved in the transaction. It can help you secure your transaction and confirm the quality of the product exchanged. With, buyers and sellers of the company’s luxury watches have an added measure of online financial security and peace of mind.
Here’s how it works:
A buyer and seller agree to the price of the Davidoff watch. The buyer clicks through to the sales completion section of the website and chooses to monitor the transaction and add a layer of security. After creating an account, the buyer then makes arrangements to transfer money into the account so that they can fund their purchase. The money is kept in a holding account while the seller packs and ships the desired items. The status updates on the buyer’s account allows the buyer to track their package from the time it leaves the shipper’s facility to the moment it arrives at their doorstep. The buyer inspects their merchandise and is given a set number of days to notify that they are satisfied with their items. releases the money from the buyer’s account upon notification of satisfaction.
Escrow has built their reputation on fast and safe transactions and customer satisfaction. Once you have created an account with, making a transaction to buy or sell a Davidoff watch via is quick and efficient. Do you still need to have a personal connection with someone in regards to the services of No problem! is backed by experienced and knowledgeable escrow professionals. The staff are available to personally assist you with any concerns or needs that may arise. They offer live phone support Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm and reply to emails usually within 12 hours.
Facilitated by a trusted third-party, the escrow process removes the risk from online transactions to ensure a safe, secure and intuitive sale for both buyers and sellers. What are you waiting for? Visit for a secure transaction today.