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How long does it take for Sellers to be paid?

Typically, funds are disbursed the same or next business day following the completion of the transaction.

Wire Transfers and checks sent by express delivery within the U.S. are received within one business day. Wire Transfers sent internationally can take three to five business days to be received. Checks sent express delivery internationally are received within two business days. ACH disbursements are completed within three business days. Checks sent by the USPS are dependent on where the check is sent (domestic versus international).

Seller's should always use a shipping company that allows online tracking to the Buyer's address provided by to ensure quick release of funds at the close of the transaction.

When a Buyer uses a credit card or PayPal for payment, there is a three business day hold before funds reach our trust account and can be sent to the Seller. This is a requirement with our license since the Buyer's funds must be in the escrow account before being released.

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